Rolando Biscay, Investigador Titular C (Professor), Probabilidad y Estadistica
Jose Carlos Gómez Larranaga, Investigador Titular C (Professor), Matemáticas Básicas
Abraham Martín del Campo, CONACYT Research Fellow (Assistant Professor)
Antonio Rieser, CONACYT Research Fellow (Assistant Professor)
Jesús Rodríguez, CONACYT Research Fellow (Assistant Professor)
Estudiantes y posdoctorandos
Grupo Martín del Campo
Rubí Pantaleón, Postdoc, 2020 -a la fecha
Yuriko Pitones, Postdoc, 2020 -a la fecha
Carlos Espinosa, estudiante doctoral, 2020 -a la fecha
Ricardo Candás, estudiante de maestría, 2019 - a la fecha
Gerardo Martínez Palacios, estudiante de licenciatura, 2020 - a la fecha
Grupo Rieser
Araceli Gúzman, Postdoc, 2020 - a la fecha
Alejandra Trujillo, Postdoc, 2020 - a la fecha
Julián Candela, estudiante doctoral, 2020 - a la fecha
Carlos Díaz, estudiante doctoral, 2019 - a la fecha
Jonathan Treviño, estudiante doctoral, 2019 - a la fecha
Vargas Obieta Group
Salvador Galindo, estudiante de maestría, 2019 - a la fecha
Jorge Luis Santos, estudiante de maestría, 2017 - a la fecha
Marcos Torres Vivanco, estudiante de maestría, 2019 - a la fecha
Miembros anteriores
José María Ibarra Rodríguez, Licenciatura en Matemáticas, Universidad de Guanajuato, 2016. Thesis: Modelos de homología persistente en filogenética (Thesis advisor: Victor Perez-Abreu) Winner of the Sotero Prieto Prize of the Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 2016. Completed his MS in Mathematics at UNAM, Campus Juriquilla, and currently works in an applied mathematics consulting firm.
Victor Amaya, Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, 2018, Universidad de Guanajuato (Thesis advisor: Abraham Martín de Campo); Master's Degree in Probability and Statistics, 2020, CIMAT (Thesis advisors: Victor Perez-Abreu and Sayan Mukherjee). Currently a Ph.D. student at Duke University
Erik Amézquita, Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, 2018, Universidad de Guanajuato, Thesis: Efficient Object Classification Using the Euler Characteristic (Thesis advisor: Antonio Rieser). Winner of the Sotero Prieto Prize of the Mexican Mathematical Society, 2018. Currently in a Ph.D. program at Michigan State University
Luis Palacios, Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, 2019, Universidad de Guanajuato, Thesis: Homology and Cohomology for Closure Spaces (Thesis advisor: Antonio Rieser); Master's Degree in Pure Mathematics expected 2020, CIMAT (Thesis advisor: Jack Jeffries)
Victor Perez-Abreu, retired Investigador Titular D (Full Professor) from CIMAT. Currently at the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias
Carlos Vargas Obieta, Cátedra CONACYT, 2015-2020